Cultural Park in Poblenou

Artists rally around a new cultural park in Poblenou

I went to check out the fourth edition of Ús Barcelona, festival d’art i espai públic, which took place in a recently emptied lot in Poble Nou. Local and international artists shared participatory art installations, workshops, chats, food and music with the public. You can see more images from the day’s events here.

New cultural park in Poblenou

Cultural Park in PoblenouI learned about a new initiative called Plataforma Per un Parc Cultural, made up of local artists working to dissuade the city from selling the empty lot to developers. Instead, they’d like to create a new park —a garden of sculptures. A place where visitors and residents can enjoy more green space and cultural activities such as open air cinema, concerts, theater, urban art, expositions and more.

One of the artists participating in the collective effort for a Cultural Park in Poblenou is Pablo Bruera, an Uruguayan sculptor who has been living in Barcelona since 2001. His workshop and open exhibition are located on Calle Fernando Poo number 5, right next to the plot in question. A quick walk around his workshop gives you a feeling of what the new park could be—a space where art and play come together. Pablo’s sculptures are interactive and are intended for the viewer to move the pieces and create their own vision.

If you live in Barcelona, you can take action right now to support this movement by signing the petition: send your name and DNI/NIE number to:

We’ll be following this initiative closely, so stay tuned for more news!  In the mean time, watch this video to see some of Pablo’s work on the Rambla de Catalunya.


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1 thought on “Artists rally around a new cultural park in Poblenou”

  1. To show your support, send the following signed message along with your name and DNI to the Poblenou neighborhood association. ( &

    Estimado Regidor de Distrito de San Martín, Josep M. Montaner Martorell,

    Estimado Presidente de la Asociación de Vecinos y Vecinas del Poblenou, Salvador Clarós,

    Quiero manifestar mi apoyo al proyecto del Parc Cultural Poblenou propuesto para el solar municipal sito entre la calles Pasaje Aimá, Fernando Poo y Llacuna (ex cocheras Padrós, ex Fábrica de Velas).

    Considero que la iniciativa merece mi respaldo y el de la institución que Usted dirige.

    Por esto le solicito que considere la propuesta y el respaldo que cientos de ciudadanos hemos expresado mediante firma.

    El Parc Cultural Poblenou es una propuesta que se vertebra en valores de ciudadanía, democratización de la cultura y cohesión social que estoy seguro son compartidos por Usted de manera personal y por la organización que dirige. Es un proyecto que incluyendo y considerando a los vecinos de las calles adyacentes los trasciende y puede ser un activo para todo el barrio y la ciudad.
    Un cordial saludo,

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