This is more than a light show! The urban landscape of Poblenou is transformed into an playground of experimentation and innovation using light as the medium.
There is a sense of wonder as the crowd meanders from one installation to another. New technologies allow artists to use dynamic lighting and large-scale projections to create interactive environments. People are waving their hands, singing and shouting into plastic tubes in order to play and participate in the show.
The twenty participants for 2019 include such prestigious international artists as Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and Daniel Canogar, pioneers of new digital tools such as the technologists Kyle McDonald and Joanie Lemercier, and some big names in Barcelona’s new creative scene.
In the image below, the facade of Betevé becomes a virtual waterfall for the interactive project ‘Next Nature’, by Román Torre (@RTorre).
Following the long stretches of green light, it feels a bit like an alien invasion has arrived in Poblenou. No one knows what’s coming next.
Some installations require waiting in line, which people seem happy to do while they’re snacking on street food and sipping on beer.
For the first night of the Llum Light Festival, the crisp winter air didn’t dissuade people from staying outdoors. The terraces were packed and there was an energetic vibe in the streets.
But not to worry, there’s two more nights to catch the 2019 edition of Barcelona’s Festival de Llum!
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