Roser Bosch Masters

Dancing with Nature

 Roser Bosch Masters– Artist

I was born in 1959 in Barcelona, in a family immersed in painting, creativity and the love of Nature. These essential traits have accompanied me at all times, together with a transcendent sense of Life.

I have basically been self-taught, although I have studied drawing and painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona and other non-regulated artistic studies.

For me, painting Nature and in Nature has always been a way to intensify the experience and perception of its Beauty. I have done it with passion since childhood and no other motivation has pushed me to paint. Over time, this insistent dedication has distilled in me a deeper longing: to participate in his Mystery; to discover the ancestral secret dance of Creation, where all creatures praise God in joyful vibration and to join them, without further pretension. Each painting leaves a mark on me and one after the other they open a path.

The thirty works that I present in this exhibition correspond to the period 2021-2023, in which my painting, which remains “en plein air” as always, undergoes a change compared to previous exhibitions. After the strange interval of confinement due to the pandemic in which I viscerally confirm the rejection of painting Nature away from Nature, I stop painting with pastels on medium format paper to paint with acrylic, oil, collage and mixed media on canvas or larger format woods. Although until then I was excited to express the color and rhythm of a landscape discovered at a specific moment, now what I am looking for is to express the emotion that, in certain places, Nature arouses in me. While the small format before allowed me to quickly express on paper the fleeting moment of the landscape that appeared in front of me, moving to a larger format allows me to increase the gesturality and bodily relationship with the painting. Although pastel was a material for immediate use and quick results, the fact of working with acrylics and oils and with all kinds of mixtures allows me a greater interaction with the material, playing with chance and looking for its own expressiveness, now that I have more time to do it. Although I used to move in an impressionistic register, the desire to move towards suggestion and emotion beyond the objective form leads me to look for a certain abstraction, taking me towards a certain expressionism, sometimes a little abstract

Coinciding with this period is the fact that I joined the “Art descalç per la Terra” movement, which offers me the opportunity to deepen together in Art as a way of communion and deep and comprehensive ecological transformation.

As a nice collection of my obstinacy to always paint in the middle of nature, in many of the posters I attach a photograph of the particular field assembly that I deployed on that occasion.


29 Nov 2023 - 29 Dec 2023


4:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Espai Ronda Barcelona
C/ del Consell de Cent, 382, local, 08009 Barcelona

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