art collections from around the world

Bloodywall Curates Unique Art Collections from Around the World

What will you put on your bloody wall? Not another print from IKEA please, we’ve seen that one before. You can find something original while supporting a working artist and a small local startup—and without breaking the bank. There's a new Barcelona startup curating art collections from around the world

Meet Bloodywall, a new online shop working to break the cookie-cutter mold in the world of art prints sold online. The founders are on a mission to curate art collections with a unique perspective. They release limited edition print series, meaning once they’re sold out, they will never be reprinted again.

Each series is dedicated to exploring the culture and artistic expression of a country, bringing different themes and perspectives to the limelight. They strive to collaborate with artists from different walks of life to paint a picture of the country’s distinct character. First up for the company launch is Colombia, a collection of fine art Giclée prints sharing the diverse and vibrant culture of the South American country.

We sat down with Mateo Austin, one of the founders of Bloodywall, to ask a few questions about their newly launched project and what he hopes to achieve.

Hi Mateo, can you tell us about the motivation behind launching Bloodywall?

During lockdown we started an ecommerce store which had no soul. We realised we should offer something unique, which at the same time we are passionate about and started Bloodywall. Our background is in advertising and we love art and design. We wanted to collaborate with amazing talent from around the globe, and showcase and sell their work here.

art collections from around the world

Where did the name Bloodywall come from?

We were struggling to come up with a name and ended up yelling “bloody wall!” Which refers to what should I put on that f***ingwall! We tested the name, it had its lovers and its haters, which we saw as a good sign. We didn't want a bland brand name that appeals to everyone. Like it or not, it's memorable.

Why is your project unique?

We offer people the opportunity to own vibrant limited edition prints from amazing artists from around the world at a reasonable price. Illustrations and artists are presented in collections by country, taking you on a voyage of cultural discovery through art.

At the same time, it is key for us to promote world artists that would find it difficult to have their work displayed and sold in Europe. Bloodywall is only possible thanks to the collaboration with all of these wonderful creators.

And how do you find the creators you’re featuring?

The process of finding the creators is the part I get most excited about. We start by researching the country’s contemporary history and its cultural identity. At the same time I'm exploring creators whose artwork reflect different local themes and flavours. The result is the fine art print collection which is accompanied by a blog post.

art collections from around the world

Will you be focusing on any particular techniques or styles of artwork?

Bloodywall mainly features contemporary and rising illustrators who generally have a background either in graphic design, editorial illustration, graffiti or muralism. Most of the artists submit digital creations although there’s exceptions.

Is Barcelona the ideal city for your project?

Barcelona is a powerful brand which is strongly linked to creativity, I think it works very well as a base for an online gallery like ours.

Why is Bloodywall important to the international creative community?

As the number of country collections starts growing we intend our website to be a place to explore international art and find inspiration. At the same time as collections cover the globe there’s an opportunity for collaboration.

Thank you Mateo for sharing your project with us. We look forward to discovering the new art collections from around the world on Bloodywall!


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