sip and paint barcelona

Looking for the Artist in Everyone

Two friends in Barcelona, an accountant and an engineer, came together to start a small business. Can you guess what they came up with? It’s probably not what you’re expecting…

After years of work in traditional offices, Ysk and Helena wanted to do something more creative. They realized that their passions were related to art and events and thus started a new project called, Copa&Art, with a vision to help everyone bring out their inner artist. They fervently believe we’re all artists—some of us just need the time and encouragement to bring out our innate talents.

Copa&Art sip and paint events are organized in different locations around Barcelona and Zurich. The event I attended was at a lovely space called Brunch and Munch, with natural light and cozy decor in the district of Eixample Esquerra.

sip and paint barcelona
Copa & Art event at Brunch and Munch

Each event uses a famous painting as inspiration to kick-off the creative session and participants don’t need to come up with their own concepts. When I arrived, I could see that we were all set up to start painting our own version of The Kiss from Gustaf Klimt.

There was a laid-back and relaxed feel among the organizers and participants and we took a few minutes to get settled in. A waiter took our drink order and we were ready to start painting!

We were guided by a skilled teacher who gave us tips and tricks to get started and along the entire painting process so that we could make our personalized version of the painting to the best of our ability. There was complete creative freedom and very few steps to follow as a group– so I never felt like I was falling behind or not following instructions. 

sip and paint barcelona
Copa & Art event at Brunch and Munch

There was a comfortable flow of conversation and concentration and the two-hour class flew by. At the end, it was fun to check out all the different versions we had created from Klimt’s inspiring artwork. There was also a generous spread of tapas; including hummus, cheeses and bread. After a few pictures and conversation, everyone walked away happy from the experience, with a new painting to hang on the wall.

If you’re interested in participating in a paint and sip event from Copa&Art, get in touch with Helena Pinto y Ysk Benitez on Instagram at @copaiart. They also organize team building events to encourage professionals to work together harmoniously. 

Thank you for reading and sharing stories of art & creativity on FrikiFish! This platform is a one-woman labor of love, providing free content and services to artists, art-lovers and creative projects in Barcelona. If these pages enrich your life in any way, please consider supporting with a donation or a cup of coffee. Thank you!

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