Studio Avenir Barcelona

Combining Art, Community, and Culture with Studio Avenir

Welcome to the inspiring world of Studio Avenir, a creative haven nestled in the vibrant neighborhood of Gràcia. Over the last year, this studio has evolved into a sanctuary for art lovers and creators alike. With a core focus on ceramics and mosaics workshops, Avenir’s mission extends beyond artistry—it’s about forging connections, transcending language barriers, and embracing the rich diversity of our city.

At Studio Avenir, every visitor is invited to step into a world where artistry and homeliness converge. The three expat founders have thoughtfully designed a setting in which people of all backgrounds and skill levels feel at ease in their creative pursuits, making Avenir a place where art finds a home in the hearts of all who enter.

1. The story of Studio Avenir began on a starry night in Barcelona. How does that initial spark of enthusiasm continue to drive the studio’s vision and mission today?

To reach out to art lovers and create together! That’s the main goal that has driven us from the beginning… to host people who want to share their art, who want to create. To learn from each other while creating together.

In our workshops, we bring together a diverse mix of locals, tourists, and expats around a communal table, to create art together. At the same time, Avenir offers artists the opportunity to exhibit and sell their own works in the boutique section or to exhibit at our gallery.

Being united and supporting the production and sharing of art is the result of the decision made on that starry night. We hope we will continue to host more art lovers with the same enthusiasm.

studio avenir

2. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind the name “Studio Avenir” and what it means to you?

Ah! We’re a trio of expat women who share a unique journey.  We were born in the same geographical region, life led us to different corners of the world before serendipitously bringing us together in Barcelona. Along our diverse paths, we’ve absorbed inspiration from various languages and cultures, which has profoundly influenced our passion for both living and creating.

Avenir represents something truly special to us. The word ‘Avenir’ carries a dual meaning: ‘future’ and ‘a place to come.’ This concept is still very new to us, and we’re filled with excitement and anticipation as we embark on this new journey.

3. Your main focus is on ceramics and mosaics workshops. What led you to choose these particular forms of art?

We chose these art forms because of our past experiences and because they are challenging to pursue at home due to the complexities of working with heavy clays, dust, and firing processes. Avenir’s workshops provide a supportive environment for artists, allowing them to focus solely on their art creation. We take care of all the practical aspects, such as installing kilns, sourcing heavy clay, and providing essential materials, making the process hassle-free for artists. This allows them to fully immerse themselves in their creative work.

We also offer communal art hours for drawing and painting, where artists can come together, share ideas, and create in a collaborative environment, enriching their artistic journey.

4. Could you share some insights into the unique atmosphere and creative environment that Studio Avenir offers to its customers?

At Avenir, we created a unique space designed to evoke the cozy ambiance of a living room, rather than the typical formality of a traditional workshop. Think of quiet music, a big wooden table, a comfortable armchair, hot tea and lit candles…

We strive to create an environment that allows artists to engage in their creative endeavors with the tranquility and comfort reminiscent of their own homes. The idea is to free them from the burden of mundane details.

We also take pride in our commitment to sharing the knowledge we’ve acquired over the years. This sharing takes various forms: sometimes it’s technical information reverberating against the walls, other times it’s engaging conversations about the content of our work. And there are moments when we simply come together in silence, working side by side at a table, bringing together individuals with diverse inspirations and ideas. It’s a harmonious blend of creation and camaraderie.

studio avenir

5. Barcelona is a city rich in culture and history. How does the unique diversity of the city influence the art and experiences offered at your studio? Has the Gracia neighborhood also influenced the studio’s identity and offerings?

Barcelona is a city bursting with inspiration at every turn. Its people radiate warmth, the sun graces the city with its presence, and art is everywhere. It’s a city with a big heart that provides opportunities for everyone to create and share art. The state, municipalities and associations are always eager to help and inspire art.

Being a melting pot of tourists and locals, ensures that your artistic creations reach a diverse audience with a myriad of perspectives. It’s a city that fosters creativity and exploration.

Gracia is a tiny, quaint neighborhood still in its old naivety. We are very happy to be there, with our neighbors from Gracia and collaborating with local artisans.

Around our communal table, you’ll often find a diverse mix of people from various corners of the world, either settled in Barcelona or just passing through. We come together, share stories, and enjoy shared moments of laughter. What truly enriches this dynamic is our ability to actively communicate in English, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and French, offering a welcoming space where language doesn’t stand in the way of creativity and connection.

6. In addition to workshops and events, you have a boutique shop. What kind of handmade products can people find there, and what makes them special?

Once the creative process is complete, many artists want to exhibit their work and let it find a place in someone else’s life. The monetization of the artwork is as important for art as it is for everything else.

While an artist can certainly create art for personal satisfaction, there’s a profound sense of fulfillment that arises when they succeed in convincing society to embrace their work. 

At Avenir, our mission is to bridge the gap between the artist and society. This is why we provide numerous artists with the opportunity to showcase and sell their diverse works. Art meets the public, and the public gains access to a wide array of art, each piece offering distinct perspectives, inspirations, and life experiences.

7. Can you share some success stories or memorable moments from workshops or events?

Let’s just say they were all unforgettable 🙂

It is really hard to separate them, but I’ll give you a few examples. We had the privilege of hosting activities for the Apple team, where the entire team joined us to explore the art of ceramics. Collaborating with such a globally renowned brand was an honor and a testament to the appeal of our artistic endeavors.

Then there’s Rosa, a remarkable individual at 65 years of age, who cares for her 90-year-old mother. Despite her exhausting responsibilities, Rosa dedicates her Thursday afternoons to crafting ceramics with us. Every time she leaves, she hugs us with tears in her eyes and thanks us for creating such a space in her life.

Oh, and I can’t forget, there is a new group of people who have just moved here and come to make new friends and create art with local people.  It’s a heartwarming experience as they all communicate in different languages, breaking down barriers and sharing the creative space, demonstrating that art transcends language and fosters unity.

8. Could you tell us about any future plans or upcoming projects that you’re excited to introduce?

Of course! Avenir wants to reach more art lovers.

To have more exhibitions on the walls of our gallery. (If you want to have an exhibition, please contact us.)

To continue team activities and be a partner to different teams in the creation process.

To fill my weekdays and weekends with ceramic and mosaic classes. (This year we have classes every Thursday between 12h-14h and 19h-21h)

We also open groups on Saturdays, just write to us and make a reservation.

We have a children’s art school every Sunday where kids come and do a different art activity (5 to 12 years old).

We also rent out our space for events such as pop ups, meetings, brand launches.

Lastly, thank you very much for your questions. We would like to thank Frikifish for its support to art and artists for many years. It is very nice to do this interview with Frikisfish and to know that we will exist in its archive.

Thank you for reading and sharing stories of art & creativity on FrikiFish! This platform is an ad-free, one-woman labor of love, providing free content and services to artists, art-lovers and creative projects in Barcelona. If these pages enrich your life in any way, please consider supporting with a donation or a cup of coffee. Thank you!

3 thoughts on “Combining Art, Community, and Culture with Studio Avenir”

  1. Les hablo desde Mar del plata, Argentina.
    Hermoso lo que hacen, los voy a seguir porque estoy por jubilarme
    y la idea es emprender, pero esta vez, con pasion.
    Naci en Madrid, voy a viajar y los ire a visitar, gracias por todo.

  2. Pingback: Pottery Studios in Barcelona | FrikiFish

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