artist fabien conti

KhaOs Artists Spotlight: Fabien Conti

For the past couple months, I’ve too often found myself standing in front of an art piece and whispering to myself, “how in the world did they do that?” This question was usually followed by “how did they even think of that?” 

This quote by Maya Angelou comes to mind, “Find some beautiful art and admire it, and realize that that was created by human beings just like you, no more human, no less.” But sometimes the only information viewers have about the artist is the signature on the bottom of the frame. I wanted to change that, especially after attending multiple art shows and openings in Barcelona. So for Khaos’ stories #7, I decided to get personal. 

I spoke with several artists featured at Khaos’ stories #7 to see just how their lives play into the art they create. Before attending the opening night I did some research on each of the artists. Afterwards I came up with a list of personalized questions, so without further ado, here’s a sneak peak into the brains behind the beauty.

Painting by Fabien Conti. KhaOs Story #7

Fabien Conti is a French artist whose meditative pieces question the responsibility of human beings in global warming. He tells us a bit more about his creative process and perspectives.

What does your process look like?

My work process is articulated in several stages. In the first stage there is research work set up, different forms and colours are assembled to build a pictorial space of projection. Then comes the stage of the execution; it is during this one that the gesture takes all its importance. The choice of the background colours will then determine all the vibrations of the painting, the lights and the finishes come in at the end to sublimate the work.

I saw that you did a project for Valentino and Farfetch, do you have any dream collaborations?

I don’t necessarily have a dream collaboration in mind but I would like to work for Moncler Genius one day. It would be a really nice project to create a whole scenography with snowy canvases on a very large format. I think the marriage of our two worlds could work well. I really like brands like Loewe or Louis Vuitton for a collaboration.

What is the role of scale in your work?

The size of my canvases is very important in my work, especially so that the viewer is immersed, so that the canvas overwhelms the viewer and the canvas takes over. Working on large formats is a kind of challenge every time, it’s a struggle. I like the act of painting to be a physical and mental effort.

How did you discover your purpose in art?

I have always loved to paint and had this curiosity for art as a child. By dint of nourishing this desire for research as I grew up I knew that this was what I really wanted to do. Research, discovery, travel. All these things feed me and allow me to be inspired. Being able to create and share is one of the most empowering things for me.

How do you want your art to change the world?

I don’t know if my art will ever change the world. But the one thing that would make me happy is if my art soothes people who find and feel the calm and emotions I try to convey through it.

What are you most excited about having your art featured in KhaOs Stories?

I’m happy to be able to present my work with Khaos story, it’s already a great adventure and the second exhibition I’ve participated in. Kiama is a passionate art lover and the places and challenges they offer are interesting and allow me to get out of the classical hanging context. The places of hanging and my paintings communicate a lot and create a shift. 

KhaOs Story #7 Showing through Oct. 31st

To view the artwork in this Barcelona show, please make an appointment with @KhaOs.stories

KhaOs founded its reputation with demanding collections and breathtaking locations for their exhibitions. With strong beliefs about the role of art, KhaOs refuses to define itself as a gallery, but as a space of sharing, dialog, curiosity and poetry. Art is devoured and discussed with passion and simplicity, and the team makes a point to open its doors to passers-by and neighbours, as much as to art lovers and collectors.

By Leah Pratley

About the author

Hello! I’m a student at the University of Oregon studying abroad in Barcelona for 8 weeks. I’m excited to be here and contribute to Frikifish, which allows me to explore the city and all of the incredible art it has to offer. I enjoy reading, writing, going to museums, and the beach. That being said, I couldn’t picture a better place than Barcelona. Hope you enjoy following along with me!

leah pratley

Thank you for reading and sharing stories of art & creativity on FrikiFish! This platform is a one-woman labor of love, providing free content and services to artists, art-lovers and creative projects in Barcelona. If these pages enrich your life in any way, please consider supporting with a donation or a cup of coffee. Thank you!

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