The “Stay At Home Dad” (SAHD) exhibition by Jacob Vilató, currently gracing the walls of NoHo House in Barcelona, is an exploration of the parallels between artistic creation and parenthood. This show unveils the artist’s masterful storytelling through large-format paintings, each a vibrant canvas weaving narratives that bridge the realms of art and life.
Born in Barcelona in 1979, Vilató’s artistic journey is steeped in a family lineage that includes doctors and painters. Despite growing up surrounded by paintings and drawings, he initially pursued a career in architecture, leading a successful global business for over 15 years before venturing into the realm of furniture design. In 2018, Vilató boldly took the plunge into his true passion, leaving architecture behind to co-found Vilató i Vilató with Itzel Culebro. This marked a new chapter, allowing him to fully devote himself to painting, sculpture, and object design.

Vilató’s artistic odyssey took the spotlight in 2019 when he participated in a charity auction emphasizing the importance of art in education. The positive reception catapulted him into the international art scene, attracting commissions from around the globe. His work, uninhibited by self-imposed barriers, reflects an appreciation for various design disciplines, resulting in pieces that tell unique stories rather than adhering to a specific signature style.
Vilató’s work is a testament to his belief that art should be free from snobbery, with each piece acting as a portal into his diverse obsessions—subjects ranging from death and African art to jazz music, 60s cars, and Avant-Garde paintings.
The SAHD series, comprising 18 artworks, explores how a child, a beacon of constant evolution, makes one acutely aware of the passage of time, prompting contemplation and analysis. Parenthood, in its transformative shift from the role of a child to that of a father, brings forth a deeper understanding of cultural heritage—a theme skillfully interwoven into Vilató’s paintings.

The pieces, akin to a family, share a common essence while embodying distinct characters, varying from larger, brightly colored pieces to minimalistic formats dwelling in monochromatic tones.
Having attended the exhibition, I found Vilató’s large-format paintings striking, with their bold and bright colors combined with imaginative figurative forms.The pieces in the back room, crafted from gauze and plaster on the back side of the canvas structure, exude a curious and eerie feeling that left a lasting impression.
You have until Friday, December 1st, to discover Jacob Vilató’s “Stay At Home Dad” at NoHo House. I highly recommend it!
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