Real Self Barcelona: The Immersive Experience
REAL SELF is A Human Immersive Experience.
To dare be who you truly are. A show where there are no actors, and where the true star is the audience. More than 200 hundred people per performance, all wearing overalls and a mask, who plunge together into FULL ANONYMITY.
It’s the first TRULY immersive experience, where an Spanish off-stage voice, original soundtrack, and 360° mapping, guide participants within a large space to experience in one and a half hours a range of emotions, going from the most authentic euphoria to the deepest self-reflection. It is a highly individual and at the same time absolutely collective experience. The specialized press has hailed REAL SELF as the evolution of theater. It’s an experience that cannot be explained. You have to live through it. REAL SELF is a medium to feel.
Tickets: 27.50 €