El tiempo como las piedras – Tau Luna Acosta
March 31st – May 26th, Tangent Projects gallery, inauguration Friday, March 31st, 6:30 – 8:30 pm.
The Earth’s centre is a deposit of magnetite, a mineral that makes the earth a giant magnet. All migrating bodies, from the most immense to the tiniest, have fragments of magnetite in their bodies. Magnetite allows them to create routes of displacement by sensing the earth’s magnetic fields and to find the most suitable places for their survival; in order to know where to go and how to return.
Although humans also have a small piece of magnetite in our skulls, it is not connected to our nervous system and thus serves as a remnant of our connection to other migratory beings rather than a functional sense. We possess a fossil from the center of the Earth within our heads, but lack a compass. Our bodies lack any explicit guidance regarding our place in the world or how to return to our origin.
El tiempo como las piedras” (Time, like Stones) is an artistic research project from Tau Luna Acosta that endeavors to create a dialogue between stones and human migrants. By bringing the atomic particles of both together, the project aims to uncover stories about the world where there are intersecting geological events, such as volcanic eruptions that allow magnetite to rise to the earth’s surface, the solar explosions that make life possible, wars for land tenure which all our ancestors have endured, and the violence that lies in our lack of language to share our memories.
Tau Luna Acosta is a Colombian visual artist, researcher, curator and teacher, based in Barcelona.
Learn more about the artist and exhibition at Tangent-projects.com