Amars IV
The Milanese organization “Art Space” presents the fourth edition of the “AMARS” exhibition. The inauguration will take place on March 11 from 5:00 p.m. at the Hub/Art Barcelona Gallery on Calle del Doctor Trueta 183.
The presentation of the exhibition is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. with the intervention of the curator of the exhibition, Eva Amos.
The main theme of the exhibition project will be love and all the possible nuances that can be captured.
Love is to aspire to someone or something to feel complete, to recover the original unity that we have lost, as the Greek philosopher Plato says: “Men were perfect beings, nothing was missing and there was no distinction between men and women. But Zeus Envious of such perfection, he divided them in two: since then each one of us is in perennial search for his half, finding that one that returns to the old perfection”. Wandering to find our missing part, be it a person, an object, an idea, leads us to live love in a more complete sense.
The visitor to the exhibition, like the man described by Plato in perennial search for something, will wander through space rediscovering, thanks to various interpretations, the meaning of love. The idea of the exhibition is precisely to give artists the chance to express themselves freely and create a work that represents their personal vision on the subject. A love understood as putting yourself at stake in the first person, admiration, pleasure and participation in something bigger: thus becoming part of a living work and no longer looking at it from the outside as strangers.
Thanks to the exhibition, 30 international artists, from Bolivia, Greece, South Korea, Denmark, France, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Russia and Italy, will accompany the viewer on a journey full of visions and multifaceted artistic sensibilities.
The final awards ceremony will have the collaboration of Sekkei Design.
Reservation is mandatory by email: arsartspace@gmail.com