Barcelona Gallery Weekend

Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2023

Barcelona’s commitment to fostering artistic exploration attracts a vibrant community of contemporary artists, whose works reflect the ever-evolving nature of the city’s art scene. What distinguishes Barcelona’s art scene is its ability to blend international trends with local influences. 

An art lover’s dream

Barcelona Gallery Weekend (BGW) is a four-day event bursting with a kaleidoscope of artistic expression. It’s an annual affair that showcases Barcelona’s rich cultural heritage alongside contemporary innovations. The event offers a diverse array of gallery exhibitions that unveil a tapestry of artistic expression across different mediums and styles.

BGW is promoted by the association Art Barcelona, and open to all the galleries of the city and its outskirts. It gathers a general programme of exhibitions in art galleries and a parallel programme of guided visits by the gallerists, artists and curators, performances, talks, presentations and other special activities around contemporary and avant-garde art. This year, it takes place from September 14th to the 17th.

Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2023
View of Ariadna Guiteras, Two Claws that Make an Egg, Dilalica gallery, BGW2022. Photo: Cecilia Diaz Betz

27 galleries

3 Punts Galería—Samuel Salcedo, Alejandro Monge, Gerard Mas, Lantomo, Sra. D (Lara Padilla), Santiago Picatoste, Penrider, Ramon Surinyac, José Cobo, Kiko Miyares, Paola de Grenet, Richard Stipl / ADN Galeria—Bouchra Khalili, ABDELKADER BENCHAMMA / Ana Mas Projects—Berta Cáccamo / àngels barcelona—Joan Fontcuberta / Artur Ramon Art—Yolanda Tabanera / Bombon Projects—Enric Farrés Duran / Chiquita Room—Teresa Estapé / Dilalica—Stella Rahola Matutes / ethallMartín Vitaliti / Galería Alegría—Luis Bisbe & Alberto Peral / Galeria Joan Prats—Lola Lasurt / Galeria Marc Domènech—Pic Adrian, Georges Noël, Joan Hernández Pijuan, Enric Planasdurà, Teo Soriano, Xavier Escribrà, José Maria Sicilia, Miquel Rué, Antoni Tàpies, Ana Peters, Sol Lewitt, lfons Borell, Joaquim Llucià, Joan Claret, Joan Puig Manera, Vicenç Viaplana, Sergi Aguilar/ Galeria Marlborough—Anna Bella Geiger / Galeria Taché—Miguel Ángel Campano, Tony Cragg, Sean Scully, Antoni Tàpies, Joan Brossa, Michael Joo, Bosco Sodi / Galería Uxval Gochez—Antonio Ortega / House of ChappazFito Conesa / L21 Barcelona—Jaime Hayón / LAB 36—Óscar Abraham Pabón / Mayoral—Jordi Alcaraz / NoguerasBlanchard—Anne-Lise Coste / PalmadotzeIgnasi Aballí / ProjecteSD—Patricia Dauder / RocioSantaCruz—Oriol Vilapuig / Sala Parés—Dis Berlín / Suburbia ContemporaryMar Hernández / Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo—Cesc Abad / Zielinsky—Sandra Monterroso.

Different types of audience

The General Programme
Aimed at all citizens and art lovers who want to discover the city’s artistic offer can visit all the exhibitions, attend the openings, special activities and presentations that take place during the four days.

Art Professionals Programme
Aimed at collectors, art critics and representatives of local and international institutions. BGW designs personalized guided tours for our professional guests, so they discover the artistic proposals of Barcelona and celebrate together the opening of the new season. Moreover, the professional programme features social events and meetings to find information and exchange points of view with gallery owners and the event collaborators.

Acquisitions Programme
Foundations and private companies commit to incorporate into their collections at least one art piece among those exhibited at the participating galleries. BGW2023 Acquisictions Programme features the participation of Fundació Vilacasas, Blueproject Foundation, and Sircle Collection.

Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2023
Exhibition presentation during The Collector is Present, BGW2023, at ProjecteSD. Photo Eva Carasol.

Guided walks

Curator Walks
Seven local curators propose seven strolls through Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2023 galleries. Sara Catalán, Pilar Cruz, Mariella Franzoni, Sabel Gavaldon, Gabriel Virgilio Luciani, Zaida Trallero and Veronica Valentini will work as guides to discover the exhibitions through their particular perspectives. Find more details about each of the guided tours here.

ARCO Gallery Walks
Free guided tours to the participating galleries with the collaboration of Fundación ARCO will bring the public closer to the artists’ work. September 16 & 17. Info and registration: bgw [​at​]

Family walks
Alexandra Laudo, independent local curator, will offer special visits for families with children to the exhibitions by Teresa Estapé at Chiquita Room and Oriol Vilapuig at RocioSantaCruz. Laudo will invite kids and adults to reflect on what they see in both shows through questions and games. September 16 & 17th. Info & registration: bgw [​at​]

Self-guided journey
You can also explore on your own! Make your own journey through iconic galleries as well as hidden gems, discovering some of the most renowned art spaces in the city. This event goes beyond traditional galleries, featuring interactive art installations and immersive experiences in unconventional spaces. Whether you’re an experienced art connoisseur or a beginner, Barcelona Gallery Weekend provides a platform to indulge in the city’s beauty and creativity.

Here is the 2023 BGW map and the calendar.

Barcelona Gallery Weekend is a showcase of cultural ingenuity, where gallery doors open, beckoning both seasoned connoisseurs and curious novices alike to partake in to partake in a celebration of contemporary art. An extensive agenda of parallel activities will complement the exhibition programme through commented visits, performances, talks, presentations and special events,

Mark your calendar! We hope you enjoy this event as much as we do!

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1 thought on “Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2023”

  1. Pingback: ProjecteSD | Patrica Dauder | Barcelona Gallery Weekend

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