gallery ex machina

Gallery Ex Machina: The World’s First Cyberpunk and Steampunk Art Gallery

Welcome to Gallery Ex Machina, the world’s first Cyberpunk and Steampunk themed art gallery. And what better place for it than Barcelona?!

Located in a remodeled 15th century building in the historically and culturally rich Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, this newly opened gallery embodies the unique characteristics of the city—merging old and new, traditional and technological.

A new way to experience art and technology

Gallery Ex Machina, meaning “gallery from the machine”, draws references from Steampunk and Cyberpunk elements. With the participation of artists around the world, the gallery exhibits paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures (and much more), exploring the intriguing, inevitable, and inextricably complex relationship between humans and technology.

Current Exhibition

Ready to explore a dream landscape that seamlessly merges technology and fantasy? Welcome to Digital Dreams.

The exhibition features artworks from the powerful visual artist from USA, Linda Lewis and the electrifying Turkish photographer Oğuz Meriç.

“Digital Dreams” will be available for viewing at our gallery from 16 January 2020 until 14 March 2020.

2086 open call barcelona

Open Call: 2086

Technology is developing at a dizzying speed and the world is rapidly changing because of it. Technologies unimaginable 20 years ago have become indispensable daily miracles today. If a span of a few decades means such drastic changes in our world, what awaits us in the next 20 years? Or the 20 years after that?

It is crucial to cast our vision forward and contemplate the possibilities that await us on a global scale. Innovation, survival, evolution and reversion are all born in the light of a future unknown.

As it can be guessed from its name, the 2086 Exhibition will explore a world that might awaits us in the not-so-far future, the year 2086. It is up to you whether it will be a utopia of technological marvels, a dystopia of electrical jungles, or a completely new worldscape.

If you wish, you can draw references and inspiration from science fiction, in its many sub-genres and derivatives. Examples of steampunk and cyberpunk imagery might be useful in this approach. However, take care to be authentic to your own style and voice in your own artwork.


The challenge is to design a 2-dimensional artwork, whether it is painting, digital art, photography, or another medium, that depicts your own unique interpretation of the future.

Participants will have to submit the following: - one piece of artwork

- dimensions MUST be 30x30cm or 50x70cm (horizontal or vertical)
- submitted in JPEG format, max. file size of 10MB
- a statement (maximum 100 words) briefly explaining your piece
- text only, in English or Turkish, submitted in PDF format
Both file names should only be named with your reference number provided at your registration. File Name Example: GEM_A1B2C3D4

Calendar and deadlines


All submissions must be sent to before 23:59 (Central European Time) on 1st of June, fitting the indicated submission requirements.
We recommend completing the submission comfortably in advance of the deadline.

JURY SUMMONING: 2-9 June 2020

Opening: 1st of September 2020
Duration:1 September 2020 until 8 September 2020


How to apply:
- Go to
- Click on the link for the registration.
- Fill in the required fields to complete the registration.
- Please note the 2 unique reference numbers provided for you at the end of your registration. Each code can be used for one submission. This is an anonymous competition, so you will need this code to submit your work. A new reference number will not be given.
- A confirmation email will be sent to you with your reference numbers.

Each student can register ONLY once. However, your registration allows you to submit up to 2 pieces. If it is found that you have submitted more than 2 pieces for the competition, you will be automatically eliminated.


All winning artwork will be exhibited at Gallery Ex Machina, located in Barcelona, Spain, between 1 September 2020 and 8 September 2020.

In addition to this opportunity, the following prizes are offered:
1ST PLACE: 600€, Certificate
2ND PLACE: 300€, Certificate
3RD PLACE: 200€, Certificate

All winning participants will be presented with an official certificate from the competition. The awarded artworks will be displayed on the gallery’s digital platforms, as well as other publications, where possible.

For more information please visit GalleryExMachina.

Discover more art galleries and independent art spaces in Barcelona.

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