croissant coworking app barcelona

Croissant Coworking for Creatives on the Move

The way we work has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with a growing number of professionals opting for freelance or remote work arrangements. This trend has been especially prevalent among creatives, who value the freedom and autonomy that comes with having control over their own schedule and work environment. As a result, flexibility in the workspace has become a top priority for creatives, as they seek out spaces that can accommodate their unique needs and allow them to work in ways that maximize their creativity and productivity. In this post, we will explore the reasons why flexibility has become such an essential aspect of the creative workspace, and how it can benefit both individuals and businesses alike.

Flexible work environments

Whether you’re working remotely from a single city or constantly on the move, you need to consider your most nourishing and productive work environment. Is it the bustling cafe or a quiet room with a view? The problem is, you might have different needs on different days.

The good news is, we no longer have to be members of a single gym, club or office. New technology allows us to move around, try new work environments and build larger networks of colleagues and communities.

Croissant Coworking App

Croissant is a space-as-a-service app that allows its members to work from different coworking spaces in cities around the world. The app shows you the number of seats available at offices all around the city. All you have to do is show up, sign in and start working!

You can sign up for a 7-day free trial and if you like the app, choose the membership plan that fits you best, based on the number of hours you work per week. Their plans start at just 19 Euros per month and you can roll over unused hours. Plus, you’ll save over 50% off of the drop-in rates.

Croissant currently offers seats at more than 30 coworking offices in Barcelona. Many of them are on our list of the Best Coworking Spaces for Creatives in Barcelona.


Croissant membership is currently available in more than 40 major cities around the world. If you’re in New York, London or Lisbon, just login, find your office and get to work!

Visit to learn more.

Thank you for reading and sharing stories of art & creativity on FrikiFish! This platform is a one-woman labor of love, providing free content and services to artists, art-lovers and creative projects in Barcelona. If these pages enrich your life in any way, please consider supporting with a donation or a cup of coffee. Thank you!

2 thoughts on “Croissant Coworking for Creatives on the Move”

  1. great article, I’m a user of the app and I love it! I enjoy working in different places! 100% recommended!

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