Barcelona's Art World goes online

Barcelona’s Art World Goes Online

We’re all missing many aspects of ‘normal life’ during the COVID-19 quarantine, namely spending time with friends and loved ones, evenings out at bars and restaurants or even just going outside.

We’re in luck though, we live in the age of the Internet. There are alternative solutions to loneliness such as virtual gatherings with our friends and loved ones. We can still come together, see each other and share our thoughts and feelings face-to-virtual-face.

For anyone who is missing Barcelona’s art world, including regular exhibition openings, museum tours and live music every night, there’s a solution for you too. It has never been easier to remotely visit galleries, museums and cultural sites. Many event organizers are making extraordinary efforts to provide you with art and entertainment online and the artists are inviting you into their homes for a unique experience.

Below, we rounded up some of the best virtual art experiences to fulfill your art loving needs during COVID19 quarantine.

barcelona's art world mybarrio


Starting this Saturday March 28th, you have a different 2.0 appointment on MYBARRIO’s Instagram every day with more than 30 confirmed creatives. After MYBARRIO was forced to cancel in Madrid, due to the health crisis,they decided to inaugurate the first “homemade” edition of MYBARRIO Online #EnCasa. The first online local art and design festival with a selection of unique creatives will be interactive and without an end date. They’re giving everyone free access to a 360º online creative festival of local and emerging art and design.   

During the festival we enter the beautiful homes of creatives. They will show us their confined life, how they reflect and seek inspiration. We will discuss the future of emerging design. We will dance together. We will cook together. We will learn together. We recreate the proximity of the neighborhood online. The community can ask us all the questions they want, including its founder. This will unite us more than ever!

Fashion – Art – Design – Decoration – Interior design – Photography – 3D – Gastronomy – Yoga – Music

Every day at 6pm CET and more…. Learn more at MYBARRIO >


barcelona's art world espronceda virtual exhibit


Reconfiguraciones, by Andrea Siervo, is a journey of new meanings and a new possible identity; a nomadic, movable and fragmented identity, where the whole is something more and different than the sum of its parts. The artist’s objective with this project is to symbolically break the rigidity of walls in our lives. The works soften borders, walking an ambiguous line between art and architecture. The artist weaves different representative elements of the city, the environment and the community.

You can enjoy Andrea Siervo’s exhibition in a VIRTUAL TOUR at the website of Espronceda Institute of art and culture. Check it out!

OFFF goes online

OFFF Goes Online

As a gift to showcase their gratitude towards all the support received from the public…. While waiting for OFFF Barcelona in September and the upcoming OFFF on Tour editions in Moscow, Tel Aviv, Ukraine, Vienna and Bogota, OFFF decided to share short teasers from our favourite artists. Head to their Instagram TV, watch, enjoy, share and stay at home and be safe.

LINE-UP: GMUNK, Joshua Davis, Baugasm, Vallée Duhamel, Musketon, Burton Rast, Boldtron vs SixNfive, It’s a living
Velvet Spectrum, Cabeza Patata …and more!

Every Tuesday and Friday at 19:00 (CET), starting this Tuesday March 24th. It will be broadcasted on OFFF’s main account and OFFF on Tour accounts.


Barcelona's art world hamaca video

Hamaca Video Art

HAMACA is a non-profit association focused on preserving, distributing and promoting the video produced in Spain within a national and international scope. HAMACA looks after the audiovisual heritage and its public transmission.

The archive was created in 2005 and since then it has compiled the most representative productions from the 1970s to the present. Currently, the catalogue contains more than a thousand titles of artists and filmmakers that is updated every two years based on the selection of a jury formed by visual arts and video art professionals.

Check out video art on Hamaca >

barcelona art cccb


The CCCB is a multidisciplinary cultural centre that deals with the key challenges of contemporary society through different languages and formats, with an extensive programme that includes major thematic exhibitions, series of conferences and literary meetups, film screenings and festivals.

Catch up on all the latest talks, interviews and articles in the CCCB digital archive >


radio web macba


Ràdio Web MACBA is a non-profit, cultural communication radiophonic project based at MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona. Operating since 2006, it was the first podcasting project run by an art institution in Spain. Since then, it has engaged in open dialogue with some of the most significant international actors in the field, operating at the intersection of art, radiophonic practices, and experimental music.

Ràdio Web MACBA is radio-beyond-radio; an online project that has amassed 13 years of collective learning and more than 800 files, with programming that explores the museum’s discursive lines –through the Son[i]a and Specials sections-, and specifically addresses the media we inhabit: the internet, sound, expanded radio –in the Research.

Listen to Ràdio Web MACBA > (English selection)


blueproject foundation videos

Blueproject Foundation

Blueproject Foundation is a non-profit contemporary art foundation from Barcelona – a multidisciplinary art space and creator of quality content, aimed primarily at offering a respectful and in-depth vision of modern and contemporary artistic creation.

On the Blueproject Foundation Vimeo channel, you can find performances, artists’ presentaions of exhibitions, among other projects. (In the Spanish language) 

Visit the Blueproject Foundation on Vimeo >

miro foundation videos

Fundació Joan Miró

In these videos, Antoni Llena displays the Collection from the Fundació Joan Miró with a large constellation mural of Miró drawings.

Llena’s selection is an array of 150 sketches from the Collection of the Fundació, brought together in an immersive installation that spans Miró’s entire career in a single space. With the support of the Collections team, led by Teresa Montaner, Llena has worked for almost a year in the Fundació Archives, researching the drawings (around 8000) conserved there. ‘Miró: Antoni Llena Constellation’ presents the aspects of Miró that Llena feels closest to. The artist has guided himself by emotion and complicity, opting for a more intimate, iconoclastic take on Miró.

The display includes various drawings that served as starting points for some of Miró’s best-known works, alongside others of works that were never to materialise. Llena has arranged them in such a way as to accentuate the play of contrasts fusing together the world of Miró. In dialogue with this installation, the Fundació Joan Miró has chosen to show two works by Antoni Llena that point to his affinity with Miró.

The exhibition has been made possible with the collaboration of Fundació Banc Sabadell and the support of Cercle Miró.

Visit the Fundació Joan Miró on Vimeo > (in the Catalan language)

streaming live music during covid

Live concerts on Instagram

Música Balcónica

Artists playing from their balcony to brighten the streets (and your day!) during COVID19. Listen on Instagram >


A collective of artists with diverse artistic talents and concerns. Listen on Instagram Live >


Interested in more creativity online? Check out our recent post on online creative learning >

Do you know of more online cultural offers in Barcelona? Tell us in the comments below so we can help spread the word!

Stay tuned next week when we’ll leave Barcelona’s artistic bubble and share a list of the best international art exhibits found online!


Thank you for reading and sharing stories of art & creativity on FrikiFish! This platform is an ad-free, one-woman labor of love, providing free content and services to artists, art-lovers and creative projects in Barcelona. If these pages enrich your life in any way, please consider supporting with a donation or a cup of coffee. Thank you!

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