art and word book

Artistic Collaboration – Art & Word Book Celebrating Human Needs

International artists Aina Oset from Barcelona and Timothy Patey in Zürich, have teamed up to create an art and word book that celebrates the beauty of human needs. The project is inspired by a need of our times: to understand, recognize, and act upon the human needs that we all need to live a fulfilling life.

The books will be hand-made in the Catalan countryside (Spain) by independent book makers. The artists are currently running a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to finance the project.


What is alive in you? from Na lua on Vimeo.


What is Alive in You?

‘What is Alive in You?’ is an art-book project that celebrates the beauty of human needs in art and words. Feelings are beautiful indications of what is needed to live. To understand your needs is to understand how to live a fulfilling life.

May this book empower you to express what is alive in you and fulfill your beautiful human needs.

The artists

artists art and word bookThe artwork is done by Aina Oset, an artist living near Barcelona, Spain (Social media contact @nalua.lab). Timothy Patey is a scientist, writer, and meditator living in Zürich, Switzerland (Social media contact @awakefulness).

The two met at the Nowhere festival (aka the “Burning Man of Europe”) in 2016 and have been close friends ever since.

They’re inspired by life, nature, non-violent communication and mindfulness. These concepts find their way into their art and words. Their ethos is to share what is alive inside themselves, to be as vulnerable, honest, and sincere as they can be. By walking this path together and sharing it with the world, they hope to affect positive social change in our changing planet.

The impact

By sponsoring this project, not only will you have a new tool to understand your own needs, but you’ll be supporting two artists’ mission to improve people’s understanding of their own needs. In other words, you’ll be sponsoring a self-love activism project, and all the benefits that arise from increased self-awareness.

On the production side, you will be also supporting a sustainable and ethical small business in Catalunya and their hand made high quality products.

Support this project

They need your help to finance this dream! Join us in supporting them >

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