catalan craft week

Craft Week in Catalunya

The eighth edition of Craft Week in Catalunya (Setmana de A l’Artesania) is this week and for the first time it offers an international audiovisual exhibition dedicated to artisans.

Under the motto “divine crafts,” the Consortium of Commerce (Consorci de Comerç, Artesania i Moda de Catalunya (CCAM)), promotes Catalan Craft Week, which takes place between October  7-13th, with an extensive program of activities in Barcelona and throughout Catalonia.

Craft Week intends to promote the cultural and social values of handicrafts, their presence in both Catalonia and abroad, to promote talent and creativity, while promoting professionalization and commercialization of the sector.

International Exhibition of Craft Audiovisuals

This year the exhibition includes some important novelties, such as the celebration of the First International Exhibition of Handicraft Audiovisuals that will screen at the MACBA. A selection of 12 national and international pworks, consisting of short films of fiction, animation, video clips, video creations, spots and documentaries. Two of the pieces are unpublished, the documentaries “Smithsonian Folklife Festival: the Catalan craftventure” and “Hand on glass”.

Visit of Antoni Gaudí’s works

Also on the program are four exceptional visits – with Antoni Gaudí as the guiding thread -, by Catalan artisan masters who have intervened in the construction or recovery of the Sagrada Familia, Casa Vicens, the Palau Güell and the modernist ceramic factory and Pujol i Bausis novelist, known as La Rajoleta, from which not only Gaudí but also architects such as Puig i Cadafalch and Domènech i Montaner nourished.

The intention is to publicize one of the least known aspects of Gaudí—his work linked to the world of crafts.

The intention is to publicize one of the least known aspects of Gaudí—his work linked to the world of crafts. The son of a craftsman father, Gaudí studied all his creations to the smallest detail, integrating into the architecture a whole series of handicrafts, which he himself mastered to perfection: ceramics, glassware, forging, or interior carpentry.

Instagram contest “Artesania Divina”

The Consortium of Commerce, Crafts and Fashion of Catalonia, wants to promote social networks as one of the most important means to give impetus to Catalan craftsmanship.

During Craft Week they’re launching the “Divine Crafts” photo competition on the Instagram network. The competition has a double objective: to promote the Week of Crafts of Catalonia and the Catalan crafts in general among the citizens and to promote their participation through the profile of Artesania Catalunya @artesaniaCat to Instagram.

The contest takes place on Wednesday, October 2 and ends on Sunday, October 13 at 23:59. The rules of this contest are published at

To participate in the competition you must have an account on Instagram with a public profile and respect the conditions of this network. Tag your photographs with #artesaniadivina and # semanaartesaniacatalunya2019, as well as the Instagram account @artesaniaCat in the photo. Indicate the place of origin of the images, which must be shown by means of the geolocation of Instagram (photo map), or with a comment indicating where it was made. Lastly, follow the CCAM Instagram account @artesaniaCatThere is no limitation in the amount of images per participant and the ratings of other people or users will not be taken into account on the photographs that are published.

The Consortium of Commerce, Crafts and Fashion of Catalonia can upload during the competition to their pages on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram the photographs that it deems opportune to promote the contest.

Trends and novelties in contemporary jewelry

The trends and developments of the sector will also include the world of contemporary jewelry through three exhibitions: “Nuda Vita”; “Fusión, Certamen de Joyería con Cristal”; and “Insignias de Maestro Artesano 2018”. The three exhibitions are part of the parallel activities program of the JOYA Barcelona Art Jewelery Objects International Contest, where Artesania Catalunya will be present from October 10 to 12 at the Disseny Hub Barcelona, with a stand and the proposal of four contemporary artisans.

Family crafts at the Plaza del Pi in Barcelona

On Saturday 12th in the Plaza del Pi in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, ​​Pau Jurado and Lorenzo Guardia, winners of the 2018 Emerging Talent Award of the Generalitat, will perform the #tecnoaranya, a motorized kinetic sculpture that recreates the characters of merchants walking.

You can also enjoy the Storytelling of Crafts, explaining the repertoire of families of crafts and raw materials, with several stories and images that will help imagine, understand and bring crafts to the world of kids. During the morning there will also be a Pyrography workshop by the hand of artisan Jordi Costa, and puppets by Nuria Mestres.

Consult more activities of the Catalan Craft Week:


Sections of this article were first published in La Vanguardia in the Catalan language.

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