Fundacio Joan Miro in Barcelona

Discovering Fundació Joan Miró

“I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music.” -Joan Miró

If you’re in the mood for an art experience that has a Picasso-esque feel but without the mass of tourists, check out a Barcelona native, Joan Miró. The modern art museum dedicated to him, Fundació Joan Miró, is located on Montjuïc, about a 20-minute walk from the castle, and is only 13€ or 7€ reduced. Don’t forget to grab a map, the museum is full of Miró’s work and you don’t want to miss out on some of the pieces a little more tucked away.

Some Background on Miró

Joan Miró is described as a surrealist painter, but he frequently stated his contempt for conventional painting styles and declared an “assassination of painting” in attempts to upset the visual elements of the pre-established methods. For instance, he began to create pieces he called Anti-Paintings, where he would use methods of destruction such as burning, wounding, and perforating, to create art. There’s an example of this method in the museum, it’s one of my favorites!

If you’re like me and not super familiar with Miró’s life and art, then be sure to check out the upstairs of the Fundació Joan Miró, where there’s an entire section dedicated to just that. There are books, computers, and even a movie screen set aside to help educate visitors on his career.

Around the Fundació Joan Miró property

The museum isn’t just full of art on the inside though, there’s Miró work all over the property. My personal favorite is a statue on Pati Nord (patio on the main level) called, Sun, Moon and One Star. It sits in a pool of crystal blue water, and the views of the city behind it are absolutely breathtaking. Be sure to check out the upper deck for an even better view of the city and for a multitude of sculptures.

The outside sculptures are incredible, especially against the backdrop of the city.


Fundacio Miro
Sun, Moon and One Star, Pati Nord sculpture
Sculptures at Fundacio Miro
upper terrace sculpture, The Caress of a Bird, and view of the city


My favorite part of the museum is upstairs past the information area. It’s a section called, Homage to Joan Miró, and it’s full of works by other artist (including Duchamp and Matisse!) who donated a piece in honor of his death.

The museum was open before his death, so after he passed, the board of trustees reached out to renowned twentieth-century artists and their friends and families to donate a piece in Miró’s memory. Although his name had never reached me before coming here, the impact he had on the art community was astronomical and he was obviously instrumental to the progression of art in a magnitude of ways.

He encouraged artists to break free of the conventions set before them and view art and life in a unique and daring way. Even if his name doesn’t have the power that Picasso or Monet have, I’d argue that inspiring other artists is just as, if not more important than gaining worldwide recognition. After all, art inspires art inspires life.

Here are some key features you want to make sure not to miss:

  • The sculpture on Pati Nord
  • The rooftop sculptures and the view of the city
  • The Homage to Miró upstairs
  • Anti-Painting
  • The Hope of a Condemned Man I, II, and III
  • Tapestry of the Fundació
  • Woman Encircled by a Flight of Birds in the Night
Paintings at Fundacio Miro
The Hope of a Condemned Man I, II, and III


Tapestry at Fundacio Miro Barcelona
Tapestry of the Fundació
Fundacio Miro Barcelona
Woman Encircled by a Flight of Birds in the Night


By Caroline Abernethy


Caroline AbernethyAbout the Author

Caroline Abernethy is studying Theatre and Art History at  Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University, AZ. During her time in Barcelona she is exploring the local art scene and sharing her experiences with FrikiFish readers.





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